In Internal Assessment, different tools may be employed one or more assessment tools such as objective tests, written tests, assignments, paper presentation, laboratory work etc. suitable to the courses. The students shall be informed in advance about the nature of assessment. Students shall compulsory attend Internal Assessment, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the End-Semester examination. A Student cannot repeat In-Semester examination.
Rules for Internal Assessment in B.A./B.Sc./B.Com Programmes in Semester System :
1. The marks allotted for Internal Assessment (20%) in each course shall be based on the following :
2. After evaluation, the answer scripts should be shown to the students and corrections should be made if necessary. After this, the answer scripts should be collected back from the students.
3. There shall be no provision for ‘‘repeat’’/‘‘betterment’’ in the sessional examination. If a student misses any sessional examination for unavoidable reasons, the concerned teacher may allow the student to appear in a separate examination at his/her own discretion.
4. The marks of internal assessment secured by a candidate shall be carried over to next legitimate chances.
5.If any student fails to appear in internal assessment, he/she shall not be eligible to appear in the end semester examinations of the course(s) concerned. The colleges/institutes shall notify the same prior to filling up forms for examinations.